Hands-On Training in Introduction to Electrical & Electronics Engineering, organized by Dept of EEE,
on 15 Sep 2016

Conducted By: Experts from Livewire, Chennai
Date of Activity: 15-09-2016, Thursday
No. of Students: 50
Session: FN & AF (Both Session)
Year / Semester: III / 5, II / 3 of EEE Dept. & II / 3, II / 3 of ECE Dept., EIE Dept.
Venue: Seminar Hall, TEC.

The session started with welcoming and introducing the Experts followed by the Expertise initiated the Morning session with Theoretical explanation about: Introduction of Electricals, Voltage, Current and Power, AC Theory and Proof, Basics of electronics, Circuit Analysis and Proof, Amplifiers, Simple IC – Fabrication Process, Microcontroller and microprocessor.

In the same day the Afternoon session went on practices through Hardware design and analysis in the above said topics.